Sacred Votes

“While declaring our ultimate allegiance is to God, Scripture recognizes that faithfulness to God requires political engagement by the people of God.” (United Methodist Book of Resolutions, #5012)

The United Methodist Church has historically emphasized social justice, civic responsibility, and engagement in public life as part of its teachings on Christian ethics and social responsibility. In a democratic society, our Methodist faith calls us to actively engage in the political process as part of our Christian witness, including the crucial act of voting.

Guided by the Wesleyan Quadrilateral—Scripture, tradition, reason, and experience—we are compelled to support laws and policies that safeguard and extend the rights of all citizens to vote and ensure that every vote is counted. We also uphold efforts to eliminate barriers to voting and advocate for fair and transparent elections, believing that such participation aligns with our call to seek justice and love mercy in all aspects of life.

Participating in our country’s political life isn’t just about casting our own vote—it requires working together so we can all vote and vote faithfully. There are many ways to get involved—from participating ourselves to supporting others in our congregations and communities.

Souls to the Polls November 3: Support transportation for those who want to vote early and in-person.

Election Day Reflection: Stop by the sanctuary on Election Day (November 5th). The sanctuary will be open from 7am-7pm for reflection and prayer.

Learn more about the United Methodist Church's commitment to free and fair elections:

Make a pledge to vote this election. We're aiming for 100% participation from our congregation!


John Wesley's Guidelines: Place a sign in your yard or window encouraging people to remember John Wesley's guidelines for voting. Signs are available at the church office. $5 suggested donation.