More Missions

Mission Social Justice is a Coalition of Many areas of ministry, covering outreach both in our community and beyond.

Adult Missions Team

The International Missions Team brings together adults of all ages and backgrounds to offer assistance and relief to our brothers and sisters in other countries.

They went to Guatemala on a medical mission for many years, but they are transitioning to their next ministry destination.

Coordinator: Darlene Lucas

Garden Ministry

The Garden Ministry group works to keep the greenspace of Christ UMC beautiful. There are roles for all levels of ability and gardening knowledge.

In 2020, they planted a pollinator garden and a rain garden.

Coordinator: Mary Schmidt

Inquiring Spirits

Inquiring Spirits is a close-knit group of people with questions and curiosities who meet on Sundays after church. They have moved online for the time being and gather on Zoom as they discuss their faith journeys through exploration and doubt. All are welcome.

Coordinator: Larry and Gwen Scilley and Hank Kliewer

Immigration Rights

Rochester Interfaith Immigrant Rights Coalition and

Southeast Minnesota Interfaith Immigrant Legal Defense

A coalition of faith groups across southeast Minnesota working together to provide legal defense for locals facing risk of imprisonment deportation. They work to ensure the availability of immigration legal services for those who live or work in Southeastern Minnesota.

CUMC Representative: Marita Heller

Three Rivers Restorative Justice

Three Rivers Restorative Justice brings together those who have been harmed, those who have caused harm, and community and family members to establish spaces for dialogue and transformative resolutions.

LGBTQIA+ Advocacy

All are welcome.

With open hearts, open minds and open doors, we welcome people of all races, nationalities, theologies and abilities. We welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We offer a safe and compassionate place to reconcile faith, identity, hope, understanding and mutual respect.

Learn More about Reconciling Ministries

Family Promise

Since its inception in 1999, homeless families in the greater Rochester area have been the focus for Interfaith Hospitality Network, now named Family Promise. Our congregation has been part of this ministry since its beginning in Rochester. For many years we hosted families a week at a time in our classrooms and a dedicated group of CUMC volunteers have given great service over many years.

Food Pantry

In CUMC’s East Lot hosts a small food pantry near the entrance to the church. It is kept stocked by volunteers, and has helped numerous individuals who have needed to utilize it.

Coordinated by Kathy Davis

United Women in faith - CUMC

United Women in Faith is the largest denominational faith-based organization for women in the world with over 800,000 members.  We are a community of women who nurture and encourage one another in our spiritual growth and leadership. Previously known as United Methodist Women, we were renamed in March 2022 to encompass the future of the organization.  

Our Vision:  We are a powerful, fearless force driven by God’s love and united in sisterhood.  With a focus on women, children and youth, we act for justice and work to transform communities. 

In keeping with the VISION, the United Women in Faith at CUMC, have provide, and supporedt mission projects locally, nationally and globally through:

Emma Norton Services, Dorothy Day House, Handcrafted quilts donated to groups throughout Rochester, sale of baked good and nuts, annual tea, soup luncheon, Muffin Mania to support Rochester Project Legacy, two annual rummage sales, participation in the Reading Program, attending District, Conference and National events, filling leadership roles in the Unit, River Valley District and MN Conference UWF.  We eagerly await the future and what it will provide for us.  

We currently have four circles which meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month.  Each circle meets at a different time in the Fireside Room.  Elsewhere you will find the times, descriptions and contact information.  The Unit as a whole meets four times a year for special meetings. If you are interested in joining Christ UWF groups, contact us at or 507-289-4019.  

Christmas Anonymous

Christmas Anonymous is an organization local to Rochester Minnesota that has been in existence for over 50 years. It is a 100% volunteer organization, whose sole mission is to help families and people in need in Olmsted county have a wonderful Christmas.

To enable that, Christmas Anonymous accepts donations of food, toys, outerwear, and bicycles; and then distributes these articles back to needy families.

Christmas Anonymous is 100% supported by donations from the community. There are no paid positions and we minimize our expenses by getting discounts and donations of goods and services whenever possible, and we shop for the best possible deals.